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So, if your fitness goal is to lose weight, you might have come across the term Fat Burners. From its name, it sounds like, it’s some kind of pill that you’ll take and your body starts to melt fat and you get in shape. But, in reality, nothing happens like that. but, It has natural or artificial ingredients that increase your resting metabolic rate. When your metabolism is boosted, you start to burn more calories. and, it can help you in losing weight. However, whether is it healthy or not, can be a debatable topic.

Fat Burner Ingredients

First of all, the FDA has a limited role in regulating supplements like fat burners and others. and, manufacturers don’t always list all the ingredients. so, always be careful before starting to consume it. One should be more careful if they already have High blood pressure issues. However, here are the common ingredients of Fat Burners.

1. Caffeine

It can be found in any fat burner or any energy drink. Caffeine is healthy when taken in moderation and has good health benefits. but, taking a higher dose of it can cause health issues. so, if you are worried about taking fat burners, you can start consuming black coffee without sugar. it stimulates your nervous system and helps in burning calories.

2. Green Tea Extract

This is another common ingredient found in Fat Burners. It helps in burning more calories and reduces the fat you get from the fat.

3. Yohimbine

It also a common ingredient that found mostly in fat burners. it comes from a bark of tree “Pausinystalia yohimbe”. and, this tree is mostly found in Africa. The substance has weight loss properties. but, it should be contain in a moderate amount. Taking it more can cause headache, anxiety and not suitable for people with High B.P

4. Soluble Fiber

It might not found in all fat burners, but can be found in some of them. However, it really helps in making us feel full for a longer duration. When this happen we don’t feel hungry for and eat much.

It works by slowing down the delivery of nutrients to the gut. and, help in reducing number of  calories we get from the food.

5. Carnitine

It can be found in meat and dairy product and can be made naturally by our liver and kidneys. and, it helps in boosting our metabolism.

How To Buy Authentic Fat Burners Online In India

When it comes to buying authentic fat burners online in India. You can buy from TetraFit Nutrition. Not only this you can buy from any authentic sports supplements online in india. You can get authentic protien powders, mass and weight gainers, or any other sports nutrition. One thing we would like to make sure before ordering any supplements from our website is we have all products 100% authentic.

We do have physical store in Ludhiana but can deliver online to all over India. We do have a special focus on  Punjab, Haryana, and Chandigarh. so, if you are from these area, its good for both of us. If have any doubts, feel free to contact us.