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No Matter what fitness goals we wish to achieve. Diet is an essential element. and, we all agree with the fact that somehow we manage to eat proper 3 times meal per day. but, lacks only at cravings. and, it disturbs our overall diet plan.

It happens especially in the weight loss journey. when we have to manage everything with limited calories, and a random evening snack is sometimes equal to one meal. so, these protein snacks are great options that one can store. It can be protein bars, protein spread, Cookies and Brownies, chips, or even protein oats. These protein snacks are great for muscle growth, and weight loss.

Types Of Common Protein Snacks

Now, there are many types of protein snacks available on the market. Protein butter, brownies, bars, chips, and smoothies. Each of them is available so you can grab them according to your choice and mood. This makes it convenient to eat healthy, consuming higher amounts of protein. but, always read labels as most manufacturers add tons of sugar to make them tasty but as a result, it get unhealthy. so, let’s have a look at the protein snacks available nowadays.

1. Peanut Butter:

Peanut butter is one of the most consumable protein snacks in the market. It’s easily available and can be added to various food items. Replace it with your chocolate spread in the morning for a healthier lifestyle or add 2-3 spoons of the shake and add 15-20 grams of protein to the regular shake. There can be multiple ways one can enjoy it. but, always read the label before buying it. it should be 100% peanuts and a few drops of vegetable oil. and, that’s it. extra sugar or hydrogenated oil can make it unhealthy.

2. Protein Bar:

You might have seen athletes eating some type of thick bar, during their practice session. It’s usually a protein bar. This type of protein snack is also available easily and it’s a great source of protein as well. and,  a single bar can contain 10–20 grams of protein with 150 to 350 calories. This huge calorie gap is because of the ingredients in it. Some protein bar has more sugar or corn syrup in it. we think it’s the tastiest one but it results in much more calories than a regular one. so, always read calories and other nutrition before adding 1 to your daily routine. Looking Protein bar online in India?

3. Protein Brownies/Cookies

Protein cookies and brownies are high in protein as its made with ingredients like whey protein, casein protein, soy protein, nuts, or eggs. These ingredients can add up to 10-15 grams in one browny. It’s great for those who are bored with their regular diet and want to change something but in a healthy way.

4. Protein Oats

Protein oats are a great source to meet your daily fiber or protein needs. Mostly, Oats have a higher amount of carbs but this one has a higher ratio of protein. it can give you a quick boost of protein in the morning. Some protein oats even claim over 30 grams of protein per serving.

5. Protein Chips

Next time you have to get in the mood to eat something crunchy. Look for protein chips. and, say goodbye to artificial additives, trans fats, and preservative chips.

Where to Buy Authentic Protein Snacks Online In India?

You can order protein snacks online in India from TetraFit Nutrition. Not only snacks, but we also have protein powders, amino acids, and other sort of sports supplements available. and, always get 100% authentic products. Our website is super easy to navigate. Simply select your favorite protein snack and add it to your cart. add your basic info like your name and where to deliver. and, pay via PhonePe. We will try to deliver everything to your doorstep in 3-5 business days. We deliver all over India.